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Depero Fortunato, Die Polenta auf schwerem Feuer

Art in the old town


A city becomes a gallery

"Stepping outside one's own walls is also the overcoming of a border: it is the courage of a decision, it is the pride of belonging, it is the awareness of a legal claim, it is the joy of solidarity." (Marina Eccher, curator)

From March on, the City Museum of Klausen opens its doors to the special exhibition KUNSTGERECHT - L'ARTE A REGOLA D'ARTE. Initiated by the ambitious project La Regione fuori dai vetri, the exhibition highlights and strengthens the historical and territorial identity of Trentino/South Tyrol.

In total, 92 significant works of the artistic heritage of the region will be exhibited in the windows of the stores in the Old Town and in the City Museum. The selection ranges from artists such as Depero to Dallabrida, from Bergman to Vallazza, from Eccel to Moroder-Lusenberg. The exhibition spans public institutions and businesses in Klausen, creating an innovative art experience and highlighting the close connection between culture, economy, and community.

"La Regione fuori dai vetri" is not just a project but a movement aimed at redefining the Trentino/South Tyrol region and restoring its historical and territorial identity. Under the leadership of Waltraud Deeg, Marina Eccher, and Giuseppe Tasin, the project combines technical innovation with political vision and uses art and culture as driving forces for the development of communities.
In 2023, ten exhibitions were realized in Trentino in close collaboration with local municipalities. Klausen is the first municipality in South Tyrol to join the project. The diversity and quality of the exhibited artworks are remarkable and, along with the accompanying catalogs, meetings, and activities, contribute to the visibility of the places where the exhibitions take place.
The project aims to encourage people to discuss and exchange about art in public spaces.
Art transcends borders
The exhibition Kunstgerecht symbolizes the overcoming of borders and embodies a strong commitment to regional belonging and identity. It brings artworks from the Region's palace directly to the communities and celebrates the unique connection between the region's artistic resources and the uniqueness of its territory.
In the City Museum of Klausen, which provides all five rooms on the ground floor for this exhibition, an additional artwork of a contemporary artist from Klausen will be integrated in eachroom. These works, created specifically for the exhibition and using wool as basis material, create a symbolic bridge to a material that has been used in the region for centuries.

Art in the Old Town: the bridge between the museum and the town
The initiative Art in the Old Town is an integral part of the comprehensive project Kunstgerecht and creates a lively connection between the museum and the heart of Klausen. Through the participation of 21 stores in the old town and the installation of light boxes and banners, art from the region is literally brought to the streets. This project is supported by various local organizations and institutions, including the Region, the Museum Advisory Board, the Office for Museums and Museum Research, the Tourism Cooperative society, the Municipality, Café Divino, the companies Felderer Bau, CLAVIS and MATRIAL, the Social Cooperative, the Sparkasse-Cassa di Risparmio, the youth center CHAOS, and the farmers' association Klausen-Griesbruck-Gufidaun. This creates an impressive network of art, business, culture, and local engagement.

Pictures ofi: Depero Fortunato, Conta Livio, Fia Fozzer Elena, Gschwendt Heiner, Grisi Anna Maria, Moser Carl, Morandell Peter Paul

Inauguration of the project "Artful"

Duration of the exhibition | 23.03 - 17.08.2024

23.03 - 17.08.2024

  • A total of 92 of the most important works of the region's artistic heritage - from Depero to Dallabrida, from Bergman to Vallazza, from Eccel to Moroder-Lusenberg
  • displayed at the City Museum of Kalusen and distributed in the windows of the stores in the historic city center
FORTUNATO DEPERO (1892 - 1960)
Born in Fondo in Val di Non, he came to Rovereto at a very young age and, after a few exhibitions of realist works, discovered Futurism. In December 1913 he was in Rome where he became a student of Giacomo Balla with whom, in March 1915, he signed the manifesto "Futurist Reconstruction of the Universe." In the spring of 1916 he held his first Futurist solo exhibition in Rome with over 200 works. In 1917 he was in Capri and in 1918 in Rome. In 1919, after the "Esposizione Nazionale Futurista di Milano," he returned to Rovereto and opened the "Casa d'Arte Futurista," producing tapestries, advertisements, furniture, etc. In April 1922 he produced "Cabaret del Diavolo" in Rome. In 1925 together with Balla and Prampolini he participated in the "International Exhibition of Decorative Arts in Paris," and, in 1926, in the 15th Venice Biennale. In 1927 he published the famous "Depero futurista," or Bolted Book. In September 1928 he left for New York where he stayed two years living on advertising and furniture. In 1931 he published the "Numero Unico futurista Campari," in 1932 the "Manifesto dell'arte pubblicitaria futurista" and participated with a solo room in the 18th Venice Biennale. Gradually he defected from Futurist activism, retiring to Rovereto to devote himself to decorative art. In 1940 he published his monumental autobiography, and then in 1947 he was again in New York for two years. At the end of 1950 he launched the "Manifesto of Nuclear Painting and Plastics." Between 1953 and 1956 he creates the large furnishings for the Provincial Council Chamber in Trento, then in¬takes up work on his museum, Italy's first futurista museo, which opens in 1959. He dies in Rovereto.

CARLO SARTORI (1921- 2010)
Born in Ranzo di Vezzano, he studied painting as a self-taught artist and, after a few years of preparation, in 1960 held his first solo exhibition in Molveno, gaining great acclaim for his themes poised between archaism and naïf accents. Of that period is the meeting with the painter Luigi Pizzini whose close acquaintance induces Sartori to devote himself completely to painting and to continue in the search for his own language that will reach full maturity during the 1970s. In 1961, with the "Mostra Provinciale d'Arte Figurativa" in Trento, he began his participation in the main collective exhibitions of the period. His works are noticed, in 1972 at the Suzzara exhibition, by the critic Raffaele de Grada, who points him out to Cesare Zavattini. Sartori subsequently participated in no less than seven editions, even obtaining the homage of a personal room. This great visibility placed him in the sphere of naïf painters, conditioning for a time a deeper reading of his work, which should also be seen from the perspective of a recovery of the rural tradition according to modes of "archaism" and with accents of deep spirituality.
IRSARA LOIS (1923 - 2014)
Born in St. Leonard of Badia, at the age of 18 he contracted a leg disease that forced him to use crutches for ten years. During this time he began to paint and sculpt. In 1953 with the help of a friend he enrolled in the "Colombo" School of Art in Milan where he remained between studies and collaborations for twelve years. While in Milan he still participated in exhibitions in the region, such as the 6th Regional Art Exhibition in Bolzano in 1958. Upon his return to Val Badia (1965) he started a family and began a regular artistic and exhibition activity in various Italian cities. He is a member since its establishment of the EPL (Art for the Ladins) and the SKB (Südtiroler Kunstlerbund). In 1975, in conjunction with his solo exhibition in Florence, the first of three short films about him was made (the others in 1985 and 1991). He lived in Badia di Pedraces where he passed away in 2014.
Born in Trent to a painter and decorator father, who initiated him into artistic activity, he taught drawing in middle schools in the 1940s. From 1953-54 are his first experiences with intaglio techniques that alternated with painting exercises. In 1966, supported by a group of Trentino painters including Polo, Bonacina and Wolf, he opened the Fogolino Gallery in Trento, particularly sensitive to local art. He participated in the main Trentino collective exhibitions, often being the organizer, starting with the third "Regional Art Exhibition" at the Grand Hotel Trento in 1951, up to the "Trade Union Mo¬stra degli Artisti Trentini" at the Palazzo della Regione in Trento in 1976, the last exhibition organized by the union. In 1981 he was present at "Art and Violence. Venti artisti contro" at the Rosmini Center in Trento, and in 1983 at "Arte Sa¬cra 83" in Trento. In 1988 he participated in "Situations. Art in Trentino since 1945" at the Palazzo delle Albere. He has set up numerous solo shows and has long been the animator of the Trento Artists' Union. In 2005 Palazzo Trentini dedicated a first retrospective exhibition to him. He died in Trento.

CARL MOSER (1873-1939)
Born in Bolzano, at age 23, at the suggestion of Franz Defregger he enrolled in the Dresden Academy of Art. Then, for six years he was in Paris (from 1901 to 1907) where he attended the Julian Academy, famous because it welcomed that group that would found the "Nabis," with Bonnard, Vuillard, Denis, Ibels, Ranson, Roussel and Vallotton. During his French sojourn Moser traveled frequently to Brittany where he experimented with his first woodcuts. In 1907 he returned to Bolzano and began participating in various exhibitions, such as the one in 1910 in Hamburg, and then somewhat throughout Europe. A tireless and careful worker, Carl Moser sought to make chromatically valuable woodcut engravings often using a considerable number of molds. Various exhibitions include the Mostra d'Arte/Kunstschau della Venezia Tridentina, Bolzano, 1922; the XXXIX Esposizione d'Arte in Verona, 1925; and then the Bolzano Biennials of 1926, 1930 and 1932. He died in Bolzano. An extensive retrospective was presented a year after his death at the IX Sindacale d'Arte in Bolzano in 1940.

Wood carving symposium
at the Chestnut Trail
14th - 19th May 2024
The 5th International Woodcarving Symposium "Art on the Chestnut Trail" will take place at the Archeoparc Villanders. Artists from all over the world will create something special to enchant our vacation region with their works.
To the Woodcarving Symposium
The charming artistic town
Mediaeval walls and the South Tyrolean small-town flair. Or: The heart of the Eisacktal valley!
Discover Klausen